Thursday 28 November 2013

Maths & Art Mash-up!

We brought maths into our art by creating pictures using 2-D shapes. We created lots of different pictures such as rockets, robots, people, volcanoes, helicopters, snowmen & animals! It was great fun! Check out our work below. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Mad Scientists!

To celebrate science week we had an afternoon of science in the classroom today. First we had to examine 4 samples of ice & describe how they looked, felt & tasted. Then based on the results we had to try to figure out what the ice was made from. We concluded that they were made using lemon, salt, sugar & water. 

Next we made lava lamps using oil, water, food colouring & an alka-selzer tablet. They looked really cool! 

While all this was going on we even had time to test out our construction skills using cocktails sticks & play dough! 

What a busy afternoon!